A neurosurgeon is a physician who has completed surgical specialization in neurologic surgery. Neurosurgeons may perform surgery on the brain, spinal cord, vertebral column, peripheral nerves, or the blood vessels supplying these structures A neurologist is a physician who has completed specialty training in neurology (the study of nerves and the nervous system). Neurologists perform examinations, order various laboratory and diagnostic tests and treat various neurologic disorders with medications.
Headaches can have a variety of causes. While many of us have headaches, there are patterns of headache that can alert us to an underlying problem. If your are experiencing headaches that are worsening in severity or frequency, present when waking from sleep, associated with nausea/vomiting or speech difficulties, or are different than your usual headaches, seek out prompt medical attention. Any headache that is a sudden onset “worst headache of your life” is cause for concern. Immediate notification of your physician and/or visit to the nearest emergency room is recommended.
In general, it is not necessary to shave your entire head, although the area immediately around the incision must be shaved. If you have surgery scheduled, please feel free to consult your surgeon about this or any other question you might have.
Bring your x-rays and any other medical records you have. Your surgeon will instruct you if you need to bring any additional items. Contact Dallas Brain, Spine & Skull Base Surgery for more information or to schedule an appointment. Please call our office. 972. 566.5200.
It depends on what type of procedure you have. Your physician will provide you with that information prior to surgery.
The amount of time will depend on what type of surgery you have as well as your condition before surgery. Your physicians will review your treatment and recovery plan with you.
Recovery time depends on the type of procedure performed, your age, and health before the procedure. Prior to surgery your physician will review the expected recovery period and any restrictions to physical activity, including projected time off work or school along with any driving restrictions.